Hi! I'm Michelle, the creator and artist behind these little pictures of handmade pieces.
I set out to do the will of God as he asks of me.
In 2015 that meant leaving my Human Resources Director position and staying home with my two young boys - not an easy task. Set aside the fact that I would be solely responsible for the care of two little humans all day (we have since had another son and a daughter, so now it's four), our culture tells us that I was ridiculous for leaving a well paying job to stay home. I must have been crazy. Nope - just faithful.

I was gifted with the ability to create beautiful pieces of art and so decided that God was calling me to do just that while I stayed home (we also homeschool). I started with string art and gradually moved into using reclaimed wood to create custom and unique art. Shortly after leaving my full-time office job, we moved our little family back to my home town of Lubbock, Texas. I started creating Catholic pieces and through my art have deepened my faith and grown in so many ways.
One of my favorite songs of all time is the Christmas song "The Little Drummer Boy." I see life in the way that little boy did (yes, I know the song isn't about a REAL boy, but it's still beautiful). We don't have much to give but God gave us each a talent - a gift. How can we use that gift to give back to God? For the little boy, all he had was his drum and his talent, so he played. What I have is the gift of being able to create art from scraps. So, I create joyfully knowing my faith is in God and my creations are for His glory. My goal is to be like the little boy - use what I have, use all that I have, give back the gift that was given to me in a resounding way.